Saving for College
Okay, you don’t need to read an article to know that college costs a lot more than when you went to school. Despite the breathtaking numbers, lots of kids still go to school and there are strategies to help accumulate the required funds. To get started, let’s ballpark the amount of money we’re talking about. […]
It’s easy to succumb to the urge to sell if the market takes a header or buy if it’s headed upward. But sudden action is usually a mistake. In the late 1980s, Harvard psychologist Paul Andreassen made news with a research project that found that people who listened to market news actually made lower returns. Why? Because those who sold – or bought – during a market swing probably found a day later that the market was really running on hype, not fundamentals.
Money-Saving Ideas that Work for YOU!
It’s true that small savings can add up, especially when applied on a consistent basis. A list of spending strategies follows that you can apply almost every time you shop. And these savings can be invested to help you realize your financial objectives. Remember that you haven’t actually saved anything until it makes its way […]